Love Loudly

Love Loudly is a movement and educational platform built around Love Loudly: Lessons In Family Crisis, Communication and Hope, a book based on parenting from the career (and family) experiences of a L.A. County Deputy Sheriff.

We needed to boil down the book's themes to create clear messaging for the brand –– strengthen families, build relationships, and teach love. The book, drawing on many psychology models and heartbreaking, real-world experiences, carries all the serious aspects and importance of parenting. The brand needed to feel serious, but since we're talking families here, also convey all the messiness, imperfection, hope and playfulness one would expect from something about family life!

Project Overview

2014 - Current

Brand & Logo

Graphic Design

Web Design




Love Loudly
Love Loudly
Love Loudly
Love Loudly
Love Loudly